This Thursday we will be traveling to the Abrams Planetarium to watch the play "The Rabbit in the Moon". This will be a wonderful experience for our first graders. This field trip is for students and teachers only due to limited seating. All permission slips were signed at the beginning of the year so all students are set to attend this field trip.
This Wednesday and Thursday are parent teacher conferences. Please make sure to attend your scheduled day and time. If you need to reschedule, please let me know as soon as possible. Please be prepared to discuss your child's academic and behavioral growth this year. I look forward to speaking to each and every family at conferences.
This Wednesday is a full day of school. This Thursday and Friday are half days. No lunch will be served on these days. Please remember to have your child wear athletic shoes on Monday for Kinetics. Library books should be returned on Wednesday and are due back Thursday. Please make sure to send in snack on your assigned snack day. We were short snack several times last month. A new snack calendar was placed in your child's binder.
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