Welcome back from Fall Break! I hope that you enjoyed your time with your family. As we get back into the swing of things, we will be revisiting routines and expectations. Please make sure to check in with your child's Class Dojo points daily so that you can have discussions with your child regarding positive and negative behavior.
Our field trip to the aquarium is coming up very quickly. If you have not returned your student's permission slip or paid the $10.00, please do so as soon as possible. Also, for the parents who plan on attending the field trip with us, there is an additional $10.00 that must be paid to chaperone. We are still unsure if parents will be able to ride the bus with us to the aquarium. We have very full classes this year so space is very limited. Please be prepared to drive yourself or carpool with another parent. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding our field trip.
This Wednesday is an early release day. The students will be dismissed at 1:50 pm. Please remember to have your child wear athletic shoes on Monday and Thursday for Kinetics. Library books should be returned on Wednesday and are due back Thursday.
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