Sunday, September 8, 2019


We are currently running low on snacks.  In your child's binder, you will find a calendar that will have your child's name listed for the day that he or she will need to bring in snack.  A few student's names are not listed and will be listed on the following month's snack calendar.  If you are unable to provide snack on your student's day, please let me know so that I can purchase snacks.  Thank you for your support!

I still have quite a few parents that have not signed up for a conference yet.  I will be sending an email this week to any family that still needs to sign up.  If you are having a difficult time accessing the website, please email or call me to let me know.  I can't wait to discuss all of the learning that your child has been doing this past month. 

This Wednesday is an early release day.  The students will be dismissed at 1:50pm.  Please remember to have your child wear athletic shoes on Monday and Thursday for Kinetics.  Library books should be returned on Wednesday and are due back Thursday.

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