to first grade!!! I am so excited to meet you and get started this year.
Throughout the year, I will be using this blog to update you on what is
going on in our classroom. Please take a moment to click on the
different pages to learn more about our classroom. I will also be
posting pictures and videos that will help you understand what we are
learning and how to help with homework.
S.T.A.R. binders will be sent home on Thursday. Binders should be returned to school daily and will be sent home daily. In your student's binder you will find a Class Dojo information sheet, a snack calendar, and a specials' schedule. I will be using Class Dojo to inform you of your child's behavior this year. Points will be awarded for positive behaviors and points will be taken away for displaying negative behaviors. Please take a minute to download the application to your device or visit the website on your computer. Notes, literacy homework, and math homework will be placed in the blue folder. Please return the math homework the following day and the reading homework every Friday. Please review and empty this folder on a daily basis. Information regarding homework can be found under the homework section of this blog.
Please make sure to fill out your back to school paperwork that should have arrived at your home via mail. The emergency card, school breakfast form, and dismissal form should be sent to school on the first day. If you are missing these forms, please let the office know as soon as possible.
Usually, the first grade students will line up on the front porch before school starts and will be dismissed through the kindergarten doors at the end of the day. However, on the first day of school, Sycamore will have a launch party near the playground area. I will meet and greet your student in this area on the first day. Please make sure to be here promptly to pick up your student. We begin school at 8:30am and end our day at 3:35pm. Let's have a great first day!
S.T.A.R. binders will be sent home on Thursday. Binders should be returned to school daily and will be sent home daily. In your student's binder you will find a Class Dojo information sheet, a snack calendar, and a specials' schedule. I will be using Class Dojo to inform you of your child's behavior this year. Points will be awarded for positive behaviors and points will be taken away for displaying negative behaviors. Please take a minute to download the application to your device or visit the website on your computer. Notes, literacy homework, and math homework will be placed in the blue folder. Please return the math homework the following day and the reading homework every Friday. Please review and empty this folder on a daily basis. Information regarding homework can be found under the homework section of this blog.
Please make sure to fill out your back to school paperwork that should have arrived at your home via mail. The emergency card, school breakfast form, and dismissal form should be sent to school on the first day. If you are missing these forms, please let the office know as soon as possible.
Usually, the first grade students will line up on the front porch before school starts and will be dismissed through the kindergarten doors at the end of the day. However, on the first day of school, Sycamore will have a launch party near the playground area. I will meet and greet your student in this area on the first day. Please make sure to be here promptly to pick up your student. We begin school at 8:30am and end our day at 3:35pm. Let's have a great first day!
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